Anti-Doping Law: Prof. Dr. Cherkeh at the Sports Committee of the German Bundestag

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Translated: "At a public hearing of the Sports Committee on Wednesday, October 23, 2019, chaired by Dagmar Freitag (SPD), all invited experts spoke out in favor of implementing a leniency program in the anti-doping law. This would have to be flanked by better protection for whistleblowers was demanded. 


Prof. Dr. Rainer Cherkeh, a sports lawyer, pointed out that top athletes who are still active are less concerned with the possible punishment under the Anti-Doping Act than with the threat of suspension under sports law. The athlete will therefore only disclose his knowledge if, in addition to the mitigation of the penalty under the Anti-Doping Act, he is also promised the reduction or lifting of his ban under sports law, Cherkeh said."


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