Caritasverband für die Diözese Hildesheim e.V. introduces whistleblower system

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The Caritas Association for the Diocese of Hildesheim e.V. has introduced a whistleblower system as of 01 July 2023. We are looking forward to performing this further important task in the context of compliance and the Whistleblower Protection Act:

"Report incidents and take tips seriously - protection for whistleblowers.

Caritas strongly opposes any form of corruption, fraud and other violations of the law. As part of the Compliance Management System, the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Hildesheim e.V. (DiCV) has appointed an external and independent ombudsperson as of 01.07.2023, who specialises in receiving and processing tips and has also worked in this capacity for other organisations for many years. (...)."
