Honoured by WirtschaftsWoche - KERN CHERKEH is TOP Law Firm 2025 in the field of sports law

Bild zur Meldung


In the current WirtschaftsWoche 2025 ranking, our law firm is once again recognised as ‘TOP Law Firm 2025’ and I as ‘TOP Lawyer 2025’ in the legal field of sports law. The WirtschaftsWoche editorial team and the Handelsblatt Research Institute surveyed 1260 lawyers from 549 law firms to determine the most renowned colleagues in sports law. A jury of experts, including Jörg Englisch (DFB), Maximilian Rosenberg (Adidas) and Inka Müller-Schmäh (Vereinigung Sportsponsoring-Anbieter), then singled out 25 law firms and 34 lawyers.

We are extremely pleased about this renewed nomination and congratulate the other colleagues who were honoured in the ranking! Above all, I would like to thank my employees and colleagues at the law firm, without whom these awards, which we have received for the third year in a row, would not have been possible.